
(   )の中に入る適切なものを、a〜dの選択肢の中から一つ選んでください。

His statement couldn't be further from the truth.
この英文の意味は「彼の発言は(   )」である。
    His statement couldn't be further from the truth.

    After many years of putting too much emphasis on reading, the pendulum swung in the opposite direction and people started to stress listening and speaking (   ) reading.
      After many years of putting too much emphasis on reading, the pendulum swung in the opposite direction and people started to stress listening and speaking reading.

      I don't know (   ) it is about this movie that attracts so many people.
        I don't know it is about this movie that attracts so many people.

        We have tried to respond to every comment, (   ) it a criticism or a compliment.
          We have tried to respond to every comment, it a criticism or a compliment.

          (   ) did he cover up his tracks that nobody would have noticed that he had been there had she not spoken up.
            did he cover up his tracks that nobody would have noticed that he had been there had she not spoken up.

            By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure.
            ―John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism
            後半のpain, and the privation of pleasureは(   ) である。
              By happiness is intended pleasure, and the absence of pain; by unhappiness, pain, and the privation of pleasure.
              ―John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism

              She rose, and I was again conscious of that quick, questioning glance with which she had just surveyed us. "What impression has my evidence made upon you?" The question might as well have been spoken.
              ―Arthur Conan Doyle: The Valley of Fear
              "What...you"という問いを発したのは(   )である。
                She rose, and I was again conscious of that quick, questioning glance with which she had just surveyed us. "What impression has my evidence made upon you?" The question might as well have been spoken.―Arthur Conan Doyle: The Valley of Fear

                Whatever qualities he himself had acquired without difficulty, he seems to have supposed that I ought to acquire as easily.
                ―John Stuart Mill: Autobiography
                文頭のWhatever節は(   )である。
                  Whatever qualities he himself had acquired without difficulty, he seems to have supposed that I ought to acquire as easily.
                  ―John Stuart Mill: Autobiography

                  Should a necessity suddenly arise for prompt and immediate action, that Lessingham would prove a hindrance rather than a help I felt persuaded.
                  ―Richard Marsh: The Beetleこの文の主節の主語は(   )である。
                    Should a necessity suddenly arise for prompt and immediate action, that Lessingham would prove a hindrance rather than a help I felt persuaded.
                    ―Richard Marsh: The Beetle

                    But he would listen to no such thing. We had been sent to be their guests, he said, and their guests we should remain for so long as might be convenient to us. Would we lay upon them the burden of the sin of inhospitality?
                    ―Henry Rider Haggard: Ayesha
                    "Would we...inhospitality?"という疑問文は(   )に向けられたものである。
                      But he would listen to no such thing. We had been sent to be their guests, he said, and their guests we should remain for so long as might be convenient to us. Would we lay upon them the burden of the sin of inhospitality?
                      ―Henry Rider Haggard: Ayesha

